Monday, February 7, 2011

My New Greenland Paddle

I just started carving my second Greenland paddle yesterday, using Chuck Holst's directions at the site "Carving a Greenland Paddle". His directions are super-easy to understand and follow, and are almost fool-proof. The problem I had with my first paddle had nothing to do with his site at all. rather, I picked a board that did not have a balanced grain, and thus, was not a balanced paddle.

So, I spent much more time carefully selecting my piece of cedar this time, and am excited about the progress I made so far. The paddle is measured, the lines are all drawn, and the basic shape has been cut out. Now the true carving begins. So far so good...

1 comment:

Lucas Brogan said...

Hey Kevin! I just wanted to compliment you on a job well done with your book. I had always wanted to start canoeing more often and after reading your book I became enthused in it! At first I thought it might be a bit dry, but your jokes and style of writing really make it an easy read! By the way, my brother had the same problem with constructing a paddle a few years ago, so don't worry about it! :)